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French Gardens, Recherche

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Bruce Poulson & Helen Gee

Date: 2003 -

Description: Group of people involved in the discovery of the French Garden at Recherche Bay in February 2003. The garden was planted by Felix Lahaie in 1792 during the D'Entrecasteaux Expedition. Back row from left= Paddy Prosser, Bruce Poulson, Laurie Fraser, Robyn Muir, Braiden Muir, Bob Graham, Front, Helen Gee, Chris Vonderborrch, Cate Burke, Martin Wohlgemuth,. Although involved in the discovery of the French Garden Helen Gee wasn't present when this photograph was taken and therefore for posterity the image of Helen Gee was added.

Format: Documents and books
Object: photographs

French Gardens, Recherche

Subjects: historic sitesgardenspioneering events and activities

People/Orgs: Prosser, PaddyPoulson, BruceFraser, LaurieMuir, RobynGraham, BobMuir, BraidenGee, HelenVonderborrch, ChrisBurke, CateWohlgemuth, Martin

Institution: Southport Community Centre

Object number: SCC_00070

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